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Configuring Go Server Pages

You will first need to identify the appropriate Apache configuration file for your system, typically a .conf file under /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/. Go Server Pages can be configured both globally for all requests and for requests to specific URLs or locations in the filesystem. See Configuration Sections in the Apache documentation for information on how to control the scope of a server directive.

Processing .html files as Go Server Pages

The most important configuration step is to tell Apache what pages should be handled by Go Server Pages. To enable Go code in all HTML pages on your server, specify a handler as follows:

AddHandler gosp .html

To limit Go code to HTML appearing within a specific URI, say /fancy, put the AddHandler within a <Location> directive:

<Location "/fancy/">
  AddHandler gosp .html

Limiting Go usage to HTML files within a particular local directory is similar:

<Directory "/var/www/fancy/">
  AddHandler gosp .html

Go code does not necessarily need to be embedded in HTML. It is perfectly reasonable to associate Go Server Pages with other file types, as in

AddHandler gosp .txt

Supported directives

The Go Server Pages Apache module processes the following directives:

Directive Default Meaning
GospWorkDir /var/cache/apache2/mod_gosp Name of a directory in which Gosp can generate files needed during execution
GospAllowedImports NONE Comma-separated list of packages that are allowed to be imported or ALL or NONE
GospModReplace none Module replacement to write to generated go.mod files
GospGoPath some path/lib/gosp/go Value of the GOPATH environment variable to use when building a page
GospGoModCache $GOPATH/pkg/mod Value of the GOMODCACHE environment variable to use when building a page
GospMaxIdleTime 0m Maximum idle time before a Gosp server automatically exits (0m = infinite)
GospServer some_path/bin/gosp-server gosp-server executable
GospGoCompiler some_path/bin/go Go compiler executable
GospMaxTop 1000000000 Maximum number of ?go:top blocks allowed per page

The module also honors the User and Group directives defined by the mod_unixd module.

GospWorkDir is needed while the Web server is running. It contains a pages subdirectory that shadows the filesystem structure and contains one shared object per requested URL. It contains a sockets subdirectory that also shadows the filesystem structure and contains one local-domain socket per requested URL. And it contains a go-build directory that caches results of go build commands. It is safe to delete the contents of GospWorkDir when the Web server is not running.

GospAllowedImports specifies the set of Go packages that a Go Server Page is allowed to import. This is one of the main security mechanisms Go Server Pages provides. Ideally, each page should be granted access only to the minimum set of packages it requires to run. Although ALL is supported, note that this means a page can import "os" to gain full read/write access to local files or import "net" to perform its own network communication.

As a special case, if the argument to GospAllowedImports begins with a +, the set of allowed packages is appended to its parent’s set. For example, with the configuration

GospAllowedImports time,fmt,html,strings

<Directory "/home/trusted/">
    GospAllowedImports +os

most pages can import only the time, fmt, html, and strings packages. Pages served from beneath the /home/trusted directory, however, can additionally import the os package. (Without the +, pages beneath /home/trusted would be able to import only the os package.)

GospModReplace specifies a module replacement to be written to the go.mod file associated with each Go Server Page. It takes two arguments: a module name and a replacement module or directory. The latter can be omitted to cancel a replacement introduced by a parent configuration. GospModReplace can be used multiple times in a configuration. As an example,

GospModReplace serverLocal /var/www/go/src/serverLocal

will write replace serverLocal => /var/www/go/src/serverLocal into each page’s go.mod file when compiling the page. Assuming that serverLocal is allowed by GospAllowedImports, pages will be able to import and use the serverLocal package. If needed, version numbers can be appended to the module name and/or replacement with @ as in serverLocal@v1.2.3.

GospGoPath sets the GOPATH variable as specified to the specified value during page compilation. This variable names a directory in which downloaded Go packages can be stored. (Technically, it can be a :-separated list of directories, with an initial + indicating that these should be prepended to the parent configuration’s GospGoPath. Multi-directory GOPATHs have ceased being useful starting with Go 1.16.)

GospGoModCache sets the GOMODCACHE variable to the specified value during page compilation. This variable names a directory in which module-versioning information can be stored. Because GOMODCACHE defaults to the pkg/mod subdirectory of GOPATH, GospModCache probably never needs to be changed.

GospMaxIdleTime provides an automatic cleanup mechanism. To avoid leaving one Go Server Page process running indefinitely per Web page, these processes can exit automatically after GospMaxIdleTime of no usage. The only downside is the (reasonably low) cost of a process launch the next time the page is accessed after a long period of no accesses. Times are specified as a number followed by a suffix of s for seconds, m for minutes, or h for hours. GospMaxIdleTime should not be set too small or a process could self-terminate before sending back the page’s contents. A few minutes (say, 5m) is a good value for GospMaxIdleTime.

GospServer points to the gosp-server executable. It should automatically be set correctly. However, you might consider replacing it with a script that imposes memory or CPU usage limits (e.g., with the Bash shell’s ulimit command or the LimitCPU tool) then launches the real gosp-server.

GospGoCompiler specifies the full path to the Go compiler. It should automatically be set correctly and probably never needs to be changed.

GospMaxTop limits the number of top-level blocks of Go code (function/method declarations, import blocks, etc.) allowed per page. The thinking is that if an attacker somehow managed to inject code on a page, this would limit the harm that could be caused. This is probably of limited use for pages served directly by the Web server, as opposed to pages generated manually via the gosp2go command-line tool. This is why GospMaxTop defaults to such a large number.